MadHatter wrote:
If I have an expression (a or b)a where a=TRUE and b=FALSE, why is b
evaluated?  Any true operand before an or operator means the entire
expression is true .

There is no "before" - PG makes no guarantee about evaluation order. Don't forget a,b might well be subqueries and you don't want to prevent PG from applying optimisations.

---------------------------- EXAMPLE

create or replace function pinsusers() returns trigger as


declare msg varchar;


            --THROWS EXCEPTION when ((TG_OP = 'INSERT') is TRUE "record old
is not assigned yet"

            msg = ((TG_OP = 'INSERT') or (new.password<>old.password));

You're looking at nested IF .. THEN's I'm afraid. Or using pl/perl or similar.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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