Gwyneth Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What I am actually trying to get past is:

>     DELETE FROM data_table1
>                 using data_table2 INNER JOIN
>                          data_table1  ON data_table1.fkey =
>  data_table2.pkey;

The equivalent to that in Postgres would be

    DELETE FROM data_table1
      USING data_table2
      WHERE data_table1.fkey = data_table2.pkey;

The fundamental issue here is that MSSQL expects the USING clause to
contain a second reference to the delete target table, whereas PG
does not --- if you write the table name again, that's effectively
a self-join and you probably won't get the behavior you want.

You can use JOIN syntax in USING in Postgres, but only for situations
where the query really involves three or more tables.

                        regards, tom lane

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