Tom Lane wrote:
Klint Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Can someone shed some light on what's happening here?
> D:\backups>pg_dump -Z 9 -Fc -C -U postgres -f sheepcrc\dbback.dmp sheepcrc2
> pg_dump: Dumping the contents of table "uploadeddatafiles" failed: > PQgetCopyData
> () failed.
> pg_dump: Error message from server: lost synchronization with server: > got messag
> e type "d", length 6036499

6 meg doesn't seem particularly enormous though.  Are you running
pg_dump under some especially restrictive user limits?  Maybe it's
dying here after having leaked a lot of memory for some other reason
--- try watching the pg_dump process size while it runs.

I'm running it under my own account which has adminstrator rights. Peak memory usage was about 540m which brought the total usage for the machine to about half the physical memory allocated (3g total).
Is there a binary debug build for win32 somewhere?


Klint Gore
Database Manager
Sheep CRC
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2350

Ph: 02 6773 3789 Fax: 02 6773 3266

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