BTW, just looking at win32_shmem.c ...

    retptr = malloc(bufsize + 1 + 18);    /* 1 NULL and 18 for
                                           * Global\PostgreSQL: */
    if (retptr == NULL)
        elog(FATAL, "could not allocate memory for shared memory name");

    strcpy(retptr, "Global\\PostgreSQL:");
    r = GetFullPathName(DataDir, bufsize, retptr + 11, NULL);

Surely that "11" ought to be "18".  Also, since the loop immediately
below this is going to convert \ to /, wouldn't it be clearer to
describe the path prefix as Global/PostgreSQL: in the first place?

(BTW, as far as I can tell the +1 added to the malloc request is
useless: bufsize includes the trailing null, and the code would
not work if it did not.)

                        regards, tom lane

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