hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 06:37:45PM -0400, Bill Moran wrote:
>> Just in case you're not a FreeBSD expert, it's ktrace on FreeBSD.  strace
>> is the Linux equivalent.
> i'm not an freebsd expert.
> i ran ktrace -p <pid> - it exited immediately.
> then i ran ktrace -p <pid> -f stats.ktrace.log -t\+
> and it also exited immediately.
> in cwd i have 2 binary files - not text ones as i would expect from
> strace.
> ktrace.out and stats.ktrace.log.
> are these files "ok"? i mean - i can make them available, but i'm not
> sure if they're ok given the fact that they don't look like text output
> of strace.
> Best regards,
> depesz
>From ktrace man page....

The ktrace utility enables kernel trace logging for the specified pro-
cesses.  Kernel trace data is logged to the file ktrace.out.  The kernel
operations that are traced include system calls, namei translations,sig-
nal processing, and I/O.

Once tracing is enabled on a process, trace data will be logged until
either the process exits or the trace point is cleared.  A traced
process can generate enormous amounts of log data quickly; It is
strongly suggested that users memorize how to disable tracing before
attempting to trace a process.  The following command is sufficient to
disable tracing on all user owned processes, and, if executed by root,
all processes:

           $ ktrace -C

So, read man page, and at least ktrace -C and read the output at
ktrace.out file.

Best regards

Rodrigo Gonzalez

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