Hello , 


    We are trying to install Postgres 8.3.1 on a Redhat Entrprise Linux
Version 4 , but are facing issues with starting the database


The Postgres was built using ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/postgresql-8.3.1 --with-libxml.  Libxml2-2.6.32 was
built using ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libxml  and is the location
pointed to in the Postgres configure script.


Postgres got installed without any problems but when I try to initdb I
get the following 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ ./initdb -D ../data

fgets failure: Success

The program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the

same directory as "/usr/local/postgresql-8.3.1/bin/initdb".

Check your installation.


The Postgres program is there in the location, but when I try to run it
I get the following 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ ./postgres

./postgres: relocation error: ./postgres: undefined symbol:


So I am assuming this to a problem with XML support for postgres.  I
couldn't find any valid clue from searching for these and any help on
this would be appreciated. 


I can get Postgres to work if I do not use the libxml option, but XML
support is the sole reason why we want to use the 8.3.1 version. 



Aswin Nair


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