Initially you may want to get the full dump (this applies also to the replication option) across to your other site. You may want to bzip2 the dump file, you may be surprised by the reduction of file size using bzip2. Try "tar -cjf mydump.sql.tar.bz2 mydump.sql" then transfer it using scp or place it on an ftp server in your local office, then login remotely (ssh) to a pc/server on your destination office then issue "wget -c -t0 http://myftpsite/path/to/mydump.sql";.

Asko Oja wrote:

Take a look also on Londiste from SkyTools. It is easy to set up and manage. In addition SkyTools contains other useful scripts and tools. We use Londiste to replicate data ovwe WAN where walshipping would consume too much bandwidth.

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Adrian Moisey <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    We have a 100GB database (16GB dumped) running on 8.2.

    Since the bandwidth in South Africa isn't that freely available it
    is difficult for us to get a new copy of out DB in our office (our
    fastest link in the office is 4Mbps).

    What can you recommend for me to get an up to date copy of my DB
    in the office with as little transfer as possible.

    A few ideas I've been toying with are rsyncing a dump of the db,
    or replication.

    Any ideas?

-- Adrian Moisey
    Systems Administrator | CareerJunction | Your Future Starts Here.
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