On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Bill Moran
>> Hello,
>> i have the problem that postgres ist starting and stopping several (up
>> to 4)  processes per minute, so that the error log in windows is
>> running full, with more than 14 entries every minute.
>> Does someone know, how to reduce the start and the end of so many
>> processes, is there a variable or something ?
> A process is started for every connection and ends when the connection
> is closed.  If you're opening/closing connections frequently, you'll
> see this.  It's by design.

You might consider using a connection pooler as well. The point of
such a thing is to allow applications requiring lots of connections to
share a smaller set of real connections to the database by proxying
connections. Look for pgBouncer and pgPool as example connection
pooling applications

- Josh / eggyknap

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