Yes, that was it.

The other QUITE similar language I've used didn't require the END IF if it was a one-liner. You can bet I won't forget that one again - or longer than it takes to goof up and rediscover it!

On Jun 19, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Philippe Grégoire wrote:

I think that the IF clauses need END IF.

IF uppergt = 'BOD' THEN RETURN 0; END IF;
IF uppergt = 'MOD' THEN RETURN 86400/2; END IF;
IF uppergt = 'EOD' THEN RETURN 86399; END IF;

This should solve the problem.

Philippe Gregoire
Information Manager

Ralph Smith wrote:
I'm baffled and have tried various variations but still nogo.

From PgAdmin III I get:
********** Error **********

ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 19001

-- referring to the semi-colon after the 'END' statement.

When I check this out in PgAdmin III.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION time_to_utime(given_time varchar) RETURNS INT AS


 uppergt   varchar ;
 colon1    int ;   colon2    int ;
 digitsA   varchar ;
 digitsB   varchar ;
 digitsC   varchar ;
 numberA   int ;
 numberB   int ;
 numberC   int ;
 result    int ;

 IF check_time(given_time) = FALSE THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'The time passed into function time_to_utime is not in a valid format.' ;

 -- ----------------------------------------

 uppergt := upper(given_time) ;

 IF uppergt = 'BOD' THEN RETURN 0 ;
 IF uppergt = 'MOD' THEN RETURN 86400/2 ;
 IF uppergt = 'EOD' THEN RETURN 86399 ;

 -- ----------------------------------------

 colon1:=strpos(invar,':') ;
 colon2:=colon1+strpos(substring(invar from colon1+1),':') ;

 digitsA := split_part(invar,':',1) ;
 numberA := to_number(digitsA,'99') ;
    digitsB := split_part(invar,':',2) ;
 numberB := to_number(digitsB,'99') ;

 digitsC := split_part(invar,':',3) ;
 numberC := to_number(digitsC,'99') ;

 result := 3600*numberA + 60*numberB + numberC  ;

 RETURN result ;
  END ;
$$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL ;    /* time_to_utime   */

Any clues?


Ralph Smith


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