Pavel Arnošt wrote:
> i have a problem with to_ascii() function in version 8.3.3. I have read Mr. 
> Gonzales's post at
> and he managed to use to_ascii function with following command
> sequence:
> create table chartest ( c text);
> insert into chartest (c) values ('á');
> select to_ascii(encode(convert_to(c,'LATIN9'),'escape'),'LATIN9') from
> chartest;
> His output was:
> to_ascii
> ----------
>  a
> but i'm getting:
>  to_ascii
> ----------
>  \341
> What am I doing wrong? How to_ascii function should be used?

What answer do you get to the following two SQL statements:

SHOW server_encoding;
SHOW client_encoding;

Maybe that will help to understand.

Laurenz Albe

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