> I have two tables that have identical index fields, maplot and
> unitno, (both indexes span two columns) and I want to find all the
> records in the commcost table that don't have a corresponding record
> in the bldg file.
> The SQL I've tried is:
> select commcost.maplot, commcost.unitno from commcost
> where not exists(select 1 from commcost, bldg
> where commcost.maplot = bldg.maplot and
> commcost.unitno = bldg.unitno)
> order by commcost.maplot
> It returns no records although I know that there are records in
> commcost which do not match keys with records from bldg.

You shouldn't put "commcost" in your inner select, since it's 
already in your outer select.

Or try this, it's probably faster:

Select commcost.maplot, commcost.unitno from commcost c
left join bldg b on c.maplot = b.maplot and c.unitno = b.unitno
where b.unitno is null

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