
> I would like to ask an opinion on vacuuming general. Imagine situation
> that you have single table with 5 fields (one varchar). This table has
> during the day
> - cca 620 000 inserts
> - 0 updates
> - cca 620 000 deletes
> The table is vacuumed daily, but somehow after several months I got to
> size of ~50GB

do not vacuum DAILY. set up autovacuum to run AT LEAST every minute.
autovacuum will flag the "deleted" rows as to be reusable by next
insert. Make sure to use 8.3.<latest>, it's much more easy to setup
autovacuum then before.

best wishes,


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pidgeon
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