On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 6:54 AM, Ottavio Campana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm dealing with this scenario: access 97 is connected through odbc to a
> postgresql server. All tables are saved in postgresql and access is used
> only to generated the program interface.
> Everything works fines, but I'm having problems with the serial data type. I
> know a serial is an integer having as default the next value of a sequence.
> Since it is an integer, access does not recognize it as an autoincrement
> value, and it asks for is value.
> Did anyone of you already have this problem?

Back when I was using V95, I remember having this problem and finding
a simple way to get around it.  The only problem is that I can't
remember what it was.  MS-Access 2003 doesn't seem to suffer from this

One brute-force method to get around it is to create a function that
uses an ADO connection to call the PostgreSQL back-end for
nextval('sequence_name').  Next using the Before_insert() event in
access, you could manually set the new id for your primary key and
complete the record insertion.

Richard Broersma Jr.

Visit the Los Angles PostgreSQL Users Group (LAPUG)

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