I have the following function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_refcursor(INOUT tcount integer, OUT o_user refcursor, OUT o_name refcursor)
 RETURNS record AS
   tcount := tcount + 1;
   OPEN o_user FOR SELECT * FROM user_table;
   OPEN o_name FOR SELECT * FROM name_table;

Question 1: The function is not working with Npgsql .NET data provider. It did not return a valid .NET DataSet. But the INOUT parameter tcount works fine. How could I test the above function with SQL in pgAdmin III? I want to find out if problem is in the function or in the Npgsql.

Question 2: pgAdmin III automatically added "RETURNS record" in the above function when RETURNS clause is not specified initially. Why is that? Is this the problem since it returns only single data table with the following value? How to fix it?

tcount  o_user  o_name
23      <unnamed portal 1>        <unnamed portal 2>

Question 3: I want to return a single DataSet with each OUT RefCursor map to a DataTable within the DataSet, plus extra OUT parameters for individual OUT values. How could I create such a function?

Any help is appreciated.

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