On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 01:22:30PM -0400, Kynn Jones wrote:
> Suppose table X has two columns: class (TEXT) and size (INT).  I want a
> listing showing the (up to) 5 largest values of "size" for each value of
> "class" (for some values of "class" the total number of available records
> may be less than 5).
> What would be the simplest way to achieve such a listing?  It seems like
> something one could do with GROUP BY, ORDER, and LIMIT, but I can't figure
> out the right syntax for this query.

get  rownum(in_code TEXT) function from
(it's important to use the version with in_code argument.

then write:

select *
(select class, size from X order by class asc size desc) q
where rownum(class) <= 5;


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