On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:36 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In this case, Postgres had been started in the foreground on a
>  > terminal, so I went to that terminal, and did a ctrl-c.  Eventually,
>  > postgres stopped, but the terminal wouldn't respond either - and I had
>  > to close it.
>  Just out of curiosity, could you maybe have XOFF'd the terminal? I've had
>  cases in the past where Postgres got unhappy and froze when it couldn't
>  write logging information to stderr. (Though, granted, in the cases I hit
>  the server's stderr was redirected to a pipe that was full, so it's not
>  100% analogous)

Its certainly possible that something "interesting" happened to the
terminal.  We do have an issue with a KVM switch on this machine that
sometimes causes all sorts of unpredictable random garbage input to
hit the screen when you switch to the system.

If I can't reproduce the problem (which so far I have not been able
to) I'll probably let it go, perhaps naively believeing that some
terminal issue set off the chain of events.



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