Christopher Condit wrote:
> I have a question related to this issue:
> Now that the locale has changed, it seems that the planner no longer
> wants to use the indexes for running LIKE queries on varchar columns
> unless I specify varchar_pattern_ops when creating the index. And if I
> create the index with  varchar_pattern_ops, then the planner won't use
> it for = queries.
> What's the correct solution to this problem (when using UTF-8 and
> lc_collate and lc_ctype are both 1252)? Do I need to create two indexes?

It should really also be mentioned in the section on the LIKE operator.

By the way, when I tried to leave a comment on the pattern matching
operator doc page I found that after logging in I was presented with a
blank comments form again. When I re-entered my comment and submitted I
got an error indicating that '' is not a valid NUMERIC. Going back to
the original comments form on the pattern matching operator doc page
(having logged in) and submitting there works fine.

Craig Ringer

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