On Apr 21, 2008, at 10:44 PM, Christophe wrote:

I'd like a tool that would automatically create these scripts, and I wondered if anything like this existed. The theory would be that it would consider two databases a and b, and produce the appropriate script to change b's schema to match a.

Does anything like this exist?  If not, I might have a new project...

However it happens, you need to *capture* the schema changes that need to be applied to each database. I don't think you can just compare schemas and guarantee that database A will be transformed in exactly the same way as database B. For example, suppose the last text column name in database B was different from A. How can you determine if the column was renamed or if the column was dropped and a new column was added? The semantics of that difference could be very important.

It would be nice if PostgreSQL had some kind of unique reference for the column, but I think columns are just numbered sequentially as they are added. It would also be neat to have a built-in way to log the schema changes.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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