David Wilson wrote:
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 7:55 PM, Joris Dobbelsteen
 If you want to clean up the the staging table I have some concerns about
the advisory lock. I think you mean exclusive table lock.

Either works, really. An advisory lock is really just a lock over
which you have control of the meaning, as long as you're using it in
the appropriate places. Also, an advisory lock on just the processes
doing staging-to-log moves would allow writes into the staging table
to continue concurrently with the staging-to-log transaction (whereas
an exclusive lock would unnecessarily prevent them).

Describe the mechanism, because I don't really believe it yet. I think you need to do a advisory lock around every commit of every transaction that writes to the log table.

If you are only using the advisory lock in the staging-to-log transaction, how would this prevent newly committed tuples to not show up during this process? (You can't both delete and insert in a single statement, I believe, in which case you won't have a problem anyways).

Also, while Vance appears to have chosen to have a dedicated
staging-to-log process, even that isn't necessary- each reader can
simply do the lock/clear staging/unlock before any attempt to read-
unless you're polling that log table at truly crazy rates, the
overhead should be negligible and will ensure that the staging table
is simply cleared out "whenever necessary" while removing the
complexity of a separate process.

Using serialization mode for the staging-to-log process seems to be the most efficient methods, as it won't even block writers.

- Joris

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