I dumped the db with:
pg_dump -C -f dbname.dump

$ uname -a
Linux myhost.mydomain.net #1 SMP Wed Nov 21 14:10:25
EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Postgresql 8.2.7

And restored in another machine:
$ uname -a
Linux dkt #1 SMP Sat Mar 29 09:54:46 EDT 2008 i686
athlon i386 GNU/Linux

psql -e -a -f dbname.dump

Then this error message:
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
psql:dbname.dump:58464: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "rustyzs"
LINE 1: rustyzs Rafael Rodrigues 25260 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2...

This is where the error is:

zezetecoteco    Jose Eduardo de Arruda  3972    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  21622370678     51  2007-05-13 18:21:32.52224
   2990    t       f       0
rustyzs Rafael Rodrigues        25260   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 22819672809     622     2007-06-25 17:43:19.066936+00
       9668    t       f       0
domingues       joão batista domingues  17503
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        00861372808     709  2007-07-01 18:09:17.644706+00
,,\\252yS\\337\\211\\273\\034TJV9/\\303\\330[/o\\251    9094    t
 f       0

I can't see what the error is. The source database is working
correctly and selecting the offending row raises no problem. I tried
dumping and downloading again but same error.

Regards, Clodoaldo

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