am  Thu, dem 10.04.2008, um 23:53:18 -0700 mailte J Ottery folgendes:
> Using windows XP and TCP/IP network.
> I install PostgreSQL on a client PC and put the data files on a
> networked drive (instead of the local drive).  Postgres as user and
> localport. This works well.
> Now I install postgresSQL on another client machine and point it to
> the same data directory on the network drive.

Sure, you can do that. But there are faster ways to destroy your data.

> Will this setup work OK for multiple / concurrent users and accessing
> the same tables on either of the client machines or is there something
> else I need to be aware of?

You idea is complete ill. PostgreSQL is a Server-Client-database, with
one Server and multiple Clients. You can't access to the same
database-files with multiple database-servers.

Andreas Kretschmer
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