On 4/5/2008 11:02 AM, Glyn Astill wrote:
Hi Jan,
Is that still true for 1.2.12? As that's the version I'm using.. Also any ideas
on where I start to sort it out? I just want to drop the old table now I've
removed it from replication, but the error mentioned previously is stopping me.
Yes, this is and will be true for ALL 1.2 versions. And this is also the
reason why Slony 2.0 will NOT be supporting any Postgres version prior
to 8.3.
If you removed the table from the replication set, then this error
should not appear any more. All I can think of is that the table might
have foreign key relationships with other tables, which are still
involved in replication. If that is the case, try dropping it by using
the EXECUTE SCRIPT feature of the slonik command language to perform the
DROP TABLE (which I think is highly recommended for any sort of DDL
throughout the Slony documentation anyway).
----- Original Message ----
From: Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Glyn Astill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Sent: Saturday, 5 April, 2008 3:00:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Slony1-general] ERROR: XX000: cache lookup failed for relation
On 4/5/2008 7:47 AM, Glyn Astill wrote:
> Hi chaps,
> I know there's been a bit of "activity" on this listrecently - but does anyone
know where I should start looking to resolvethe below?
Yes, a "SET DROP TABLE" is mandatory prior to dropping the table itself.
This is because up to version 1.2.x, Slony is deliberately corrupting
the system catalog on subscriber nodes in order to suppress triggers and
rules to fire (this can only be controlled by other means since Postgres
8.3 and will be done so in Slony 2.0).
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Glyn Astill
>> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
>> Sent: Friday, 4 April, 2008 3:05:18 PM
>> Subject: [Slony1-general] ERROR: XX000: cache lookup failed for relation
>> Hi chaps,
>> I've got a problem trying to drop a table, I get the error "cache lookup
>> for relation"
>> SEE=# drop table replicated_users;
>> ERROR: XX000: cache lookup failed for relation 30554884
>> LOCATION: getRelationDescription, dependency.c:2021
>> Now this table is on a slony-I slave and was in replication when I tried to
>> it - I presume this is a big mistake and I should never try to drop a table
>> without first droping it from replication?
>> In addition I'd set up a trigger on the table "replicate_users".
>> If I do:
>> select relname,oid from pg_class where relname = 'replicated_users';
>> -[ RECORD 1 ]-------------
>> relname | replicated_users
>> oid | 30554879
>> Thats not the same oid as the one it's complaining about.
>> Does anyone have any idea why this has happened or how I can fix it?
>> Cheers
>> Glyn
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