On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 12:02:20PM -0700, Frank Miles wrote:

> I have a moderately DB-ignorant question: is there a "built-in" way for an
> application to receive the message emitted by a RAISE .... in a PgSQL 
> function?
> Context: I have a moderately complex application (in python, using psycopg2)

psycopg2 does a pretty good job of converting any PostgreSQL
side exceptions into Python exceptions which are then
getting raised in your Python code. Unless you explicitely
silence/catch PG exceptions inside your plpgsql code you
should be seeing them turn up in Python.

There's a bunch of arguments on the Python exception raised.

except TheExceptionType, e:
        print dir(e)

might help with that.

Also, you may need to fiddle with the PG client logging
settings (in postgresql.conf) which control what level of
detail of error information is getting sent to the client in
the first place.

BTW, are you talking about RAISE EXCEPTION or RAISE NOTICE ?

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