I sent this just a few days ago to the list on a similar question. You will need to move your code from the trigger to a regular function like the one below. The function should handle the update to the table and also to the linked database.
create table log (update_datetime timestamp); create or replace function fn_test (p_fail boolean) returns void as $$ declare v_sql varchar; v_int int; begin perform dblink_connect('pg', 'dbname=postgres user=scott password=tiger host=localhost'); v_sql := 'begin;'; perform dblink_exec('pg', v_sql, false); v_sql := 'insert into log values (now())'; perform dblink_exec('pg', v_sql, false); if p_fail then v_int := 1/0; end if; v_sql := 'commit;'; perform dblink_exec('pg', v_sql, false); perform dblink_disconnect('pg'); exception when others then v_sql := 'rollback;'; perform dblink_exec('pg', v_sql, false); perform dblink_disconnect('pg'); raise exception '%', sqlerrm; end; $$ language 'plpgsql'; Now that is a basic function that will insert data into the postgres database via a dblink. If you pass in fail, it will hit "division by zero" and rollback both the linked transaction and the primary transaction of the function. select fn_test(false); select * from log; --you see a new row select fn_test(true) --ERROR: division by zero select * from log; --you see that a new row wasn't inserted. Jon ________________________________ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of carty mc Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 6:56 PM To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org Subject: Re: [GENERAL] dblink ,dblink_exec not participating in a Transaction?? Just to clarify few things in the above posting. My Main DB Client is java (using hibernate) which has Main Transaction Manager. This one controls the overall transaction Work flow is as follows: 1)java program updates a table in Database A 2) As a result Trigger procedure defined for this table gets executed which inturn uses dblink_exec program to update a table in Different database B. 3) Control goes back to java program. java program will rollback the whole transaction if any errors/exceptions are found. or else java program will issue a commit. Java program will determine whether to commit or rollback. It is the main transaction manager. In this case the updates that were made using dblink_exec are not getting rolled back in Database B. carty mc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: How I can make dblink to participate in transaction so that remote changes made by dblink can only be committed if only local transaction succeds. Here is my current scenario: I am using two databases A & B. In Database A, I have trigger procedure written for a Table . In this trigger procedure, I use dblink_exec to update a table in the other database B. The problem I am having right now is my trigger procedure currently participates in a transaction. If Transaction rollsback: whatever trigger procedure modified in database A is getting rolled back whereas Chages made to a table in Database B using dblink_exec are not. Note: Transaction can be rolled back due to excpetions any where from main db client which updates a table in database A . So my question is there a way to tell dblink_exec to participate in a Transaction. This way commits wont go to table in database B until transaction completed succesfully. I appreciate any help, thanks, ________________________________ You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=47523/*http:/tc.deals.yahoo.com/tc/blockbust er/text5.com> , No Cost. ________________________________ You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=47523/*http:/tc.deals.yahoo.com/tc/blockbust er/text5.com> , No Cost.