am  Wed, dem 02.04.2008, um 11:56:38 +0800 mailte Michael Enke folgendes:
> Hi all,
> I need to know if multiple tables have (may have most probably) identical 
> content.
> Since I want a fast solution (which means not comparing tables row by row),
> I thought it would be a good idea to have an sql function operating on a 
> table or view
> similar to md5sum on a file and only compare the generated hashes.
> I did not find such a function in the documentation.
> Is such a function already available?


> If not, does it make no sense to use such an approach?

I think, no, because there is no order in the tables and there are maybe
dead tuples (MVCC) -> different md5-sums for the data files.

Andreas Kretschmer
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