
I am having trouble connecting to PostgreSQL 8.2 from an Apache2 web
server using certificates.

I have set up a CA on my server and used it to sign a certificate
(server.crt) created in a signing request based on a private key
(server.key), both of which reside in my PostgreSQL data directory.  I
have also made a copy of the CA certificate file as root.crt, which I have
placed in the data directory so that PostgreSQL can check the certificate
coming from the web server.

The home directory of the web server contains a subdirectory .postgresql
in which I have placed a private key (postgresql.key) and a certificate
(postgresql.crt), based on the key, that was signed by the CA.

I have tried various owner/group/permissions combinations for
WEB_HOME/.postgresql/postgresql.key.  I have had it set as root:root with
700 permissions, postgresql:root with 700, and postgresql:postgresql with
700.  I've also tried these various combinations with 750 permissions.

Regardless, when I try to connect, I get the following error message:

Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: private key file
"/var/www/.postgresql/postgresql.key" has wrong permissions

Is there something obvious that I am doing wrong?  I've tried to stick as
closely to the documentation as I could.


--Angus Atkins-Trimnell

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