Hello everybody,


I have a table like this one:


id         value     order_field

1          10        3

2          12        4

3          10        1

4          5          8

5          12        2


What I want to do, is to do something like


SLECT DISTINCT ON (my_table.value)

my_table.id, my_table.value, my_table.order_field

FROM my_table

ORDER BY order_field


Hence selecting rows with distinct values, but primarily ordered by
order_field, instead of value, which is requires by DISTINCT ON.

The result in this case should be:


id         value     order_field

3          10        1

5          12        2

4          5          8


How do I do this? I do need order_field in the select list to use it in the
ORDER statement, which is why - as far as I can see - GROUP BY and SELECT
DISTINCT are useless. Did I miss out on something?


Thank you in advance

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