i'm learning how to work with rows (rowtype) , but I cannot find a way to insert one, once i filled up the fields, in a table. the thing is: I have some rows filled up with execute commands as you can see below. Once I've filled the row_tempf, how can I insert this row to the table f2_tempfac? Can I use the execute command for that? Thanks! Josep Porres DECLARE row_tfa f2_tarifa_a%rowtype; row_tempf f2_tempfac%rowtype; ... BEGIN ... BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM F2_TARIFA_A WHERE (TIPUS = ' || quote_literal(f2_Mtar) || ') AND ' || quote_literal(datafac) || ' BETWEEN DINICI AND DFINAL' INTO STRICT row_tfa; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TARIFA_A % no trobada.', f2_Mtar; WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'TARIFA_A % no unica.', f2_Mtar; END; ... row_tempf.field1 := value1; row_tempf.field2 := value3; ... row_tempf.fieldN := valueN; -- NOW INSERT row_tempf in the associated table -- ??? END;