> You'd have to do something like
>         DELETE FROM pg_operator WHERE oprcode = 'anytextcat'::regproc;
>  since there isn't any higher-level command that will let you delete a
>  built-in operator.
>  I recommend practicing on a scratch database ;-)

Thanks for the tip, though alas that didn't seem to fix it...

select 1 || '/'

ERROR:  operator is not unique: integer || unknown
LINE 1: select 1 || '/'
HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate operator. You might need to
add explicit type casts.

and even

select 1 || '/'::text

ERROR:  operator is not unique: integer || text
LINE 1: select 1 || '/'::text
HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate operator. You might need to
add explicit type casts.

Am I in between a rock and a hard place here?
Thanks again,

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