On Saturday 22 March 2008 09:39, Reece Hart wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 23:00 -0400, Ram Ravichandran wrote:
> > I assume that primary key
> > uniqueness is not tested across tables. Right?
> That's correct.  It's on the TODOs:
> Inheritance
>       * Allow inherited tables to inherit indexes, UNIQUE constraints,
>         and primary/foreign keys
> (at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs.TODO.html )
> I wonder whether you might be able to achieve the benefits of
> partitioning and the simplicity of a single-table updates by using a
> view with an update rule. This would allow you to embed the logic for
> moving rows between partitions when the partition criterion changes into
> the database. I've not done this myself, so I'm, um, not speaking from
> experience.

Actually you can add an update rule to the parent table itself,  rewriting 
into a set of insert, delete statements. (or call a function to manage it 
which is probably better on a larger number of partitions) 
Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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