Hello List,

I am running 8.3.1 on FreeBSD 6.2 patch-7.

The ports for Freebsd turn on --enable-thread-safety during configure of pg.

When running my app after some time I have been getting a core dump - sig 11.

#0  0x28333b96 in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x28333b96 in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x280d0122 in ecpg_init_sqlca (sqlca=0x0) at misc.c:100
#2  0x280d0264 in ECPGget_sqlca () at misc.c:145
#3  0x280d056c in ecpg_log (
format=0x280d1d78 "free_params line %d: parameter %d = %s\n") at misc.c:243 #4 0x280c9758 in free_params (paramValues=0x836fe00, nParams=104, print=1 '\001',
    lineno=3303) at execute.c:1045
#5  0x280c9f08 in ecpg_execute (stmt=0xa726f00) at execute.c:1298
#6  0x280ca978 in ECPGdo (lineno=3303, compat=0, force_indicator=1,
    connection_name=0x0, questionmarks=0 '\0', st=0,
query=0x806023c "update T_UNIT_STATUS_LOG set ip_address = $1 :: inet , last_ip_address = $2 :: inet , unit_date = $3 :: timestamp with time zone , unit_raw_time = $4 , status_date = now () , unit_ac"...) at execute.c:1636
#7  0x08057a46 in UpdateTUSL (pCachedUnit=0x807b680, msg=0xbfbf8850 "",
    p_threshold=80, p_actualIP=0xbfbfe880 "")
    at srm2_monitor_db.pgc:3303
#8 0x0804f174 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfbf7fc0) at srm2_monitor_server.c:3265
(gdb) f 2
#2  0x280d0264 in ECPGget_sqlca () at misc.c:145
145                     ecpg_init_sqlca(sqlca);
(gdb) p sqlca
$1 = (struct sqlca_t *) 0x0

in looking in the code in misc.c

I see:

struct sqlca_t *
        struct sqlca_t *sqlca;

        pthread_once(&sqlca_key_once, ecpg_sqlca_key_init);

        sqlca = pthread_getspecific(sqlca_key);
        if (sqlca == NULL)
                sqlca = malloc(sizeof(struct sqlca_t));
                pthread_setspecific(sqlca_key, sqlca);
        return (sqlca);
        return (&sqlca);

The return from malloc should be checked to make sure it succeeds - right???


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