Steve Clark escribió:
Hello List,

I can't seem to figure out what is this code that worked on 7.4.x. I've added cast to everything but still

postgres error log:
ERROR:  operator does not exist: text = integer
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. STATEMENT: update T_MON_DEVICE_STATUS set device_ip = $1 :: inet , status = $2 :: integer , status_date = now () , last_event_log_no = case $3 when 0 then null else $4 :: integer end where unit_serial_no = $5 :: text and device_name = $6 :: text

pgc code:
SET device_ip = :h_device_ip::inet,
       status = :h_status::integer,
  status_date = now(),
last_event_log_no =
      case :h_event_log_no when 0 then null
:h_event_log_no::integer end WHERE unit_serial_no = :h_unit_serial_no::text
      AND device_name = :h_device_name::text;

\d t_mon_device_status
            Table "public.t_mon_device_status"
      Column       |           Type           | Modifiers
 unit_serial_no    | character varying(15)    | not null
 device_name       | character varying(64)    | not null
 device_ip         | inet                     | not null
 status            | integer                  | not null
 status_date       | timestamp with time zone | not null
 last_event_log_no | integer                  |
    "pk_tmds_usn_dn" PRIMARY KEY, btree (unit_serial_no, device_name)
Foreign-key constraints:
"fk_tmds_usn" FOREIGN KEY (unit_serial_no) REFERENCES t_unit_status_log(unit_serial_no) ON DELETE CASCADE

maybe someone else can see where I am going wrong.

Thanks in advance,

h_event_log_no is not casted to integer....maybe it's getting a string and the problem is comparing to 0?

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