On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 02:56:05PM -0400, Jason Hihn wrote:
> /* please forgive me if you've seen this before. I've tried sending this
> several times, but I have not seen it show up on the list yet. I was
> having some subscribing trouble */
> Hello. I was reading through the postgre docs, and saw that it was
> listed to 'fix' the non-autodrop of serials. If that is correct, then I'd
> like to pursuade you to not do that, or at least be able to disable it.
I'd presume that the fix would involve only auto dropping sequences that
where auto created. In order to get two tables using one sequence, you're
going to have to hand code the DEFAULT for at least one of them, so it's
(almost) no work for you to just do it twice. That has the benefit of
allowing you to use a more descriptive name for this sequence, as well
as being absolutely sure what the sequence name _is_.
In short, don't worry about it: the developer's go to a lot of trouble
to _not_ break backwards compatability, and if they must, make sure
there's a simple upgrade path.
Ross J. Reedstrom, Ph.D., <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
NSBRI Research Scientist/Programmer
Computer and Information Technology Institute
Rice University, 6100 S. Main St., Houston, TX 77005