Thanks to Pavan for the answer regarding HOT.  Does anybody have an
answer regarding the postgres role or compat lib ?

>     * From: "Adam Rich" <adam(dot)r(at)sbcglobal(dot)net>
>     * To: <pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org>
>     * Subject: 8.3.0 upgrade
>     * Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:13:55 -0500
> I just finished upgrading my production DB to 8.3.0.  Everything went 
> smoothly, but I thought of a few questions.
> After the upgrade, while restoring my backup to the new version, 
> I got this error message:
> ERROR:  role "postgres" already exists
> I assume this is nothing to be concerned about.  But is there something
> I could have done to avoid this error?  (I think I followed the upgrade
> instructions to the letter).  Is there any scenario where the "postgres"
> role wouldn't exist? (should pg_dumpall exclude it?)
> Moving on...  In step 6 of the upgrade instructions, it says:
> "Restore your previous pg_hba.conf and any postgresql.conf modifications."
> Perhaps this should also mention pg_ident.conf since I restored the
> two mentioned files, but still couldn't connect.  The third completely 
> escaped my mind until I ran a "diff" on the old & new data directories.
> Next, one of my apps failed because of a dependency on
> During previous upgrades, I remedied that by installing this package:
> compat-postgresql-libs-4-2PGDG.rhel4
> But it seems under the 8.3.0 binary downloads, this package is no longer
> available.  The only compat package is "compat-postgresql-libs-3"
> which of course includes only so I had to browse older
> releases to find the missing version which I thought seemed a little odd.

> Am I missing something?
> Finally, regarding the new "HOT" feature.  The release notes say that
> benefits are realized "if no changes are made to indexed columns".
> If my updates include *all columns* (the SQL is generated dynamically)
> but the new value matches the old value for all *indexed* columns, 
> do I still reap the benefits of HOT?  
> Thanks!
> Adam

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