On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Kynn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Initially I didn't know what our max_locks_per_transaction was (nor even
> a
> > typical value for it), but in light of the procedure's failure after
> 3500
> > iterations, I figured that it was 3500 or so.  In fact ours is only 64
> (the
> > default), so I'm now thoroughly confused.
> The number of lock slots available system-wide is
> max_locks_per_transaction times max_connections, and your procedure was
> chewing them all.  I suggest taking the hint's advice if you really need
> to create 3500 tables in a single transaction.  Actually, you'd better
> do it if you want to have 3500 tables at all, because pg_dump will
> certainly try to acquire AccessShare lock on all of them.

OK, in light of this, I'll have to either change my strategy (and schema)
significantly or greatly increase max_locks_per_transaction.

I'm leaning towards the re-design option, primarily because I really don't
really understand the consequences of cranking up max_locks_per_transaction.
 E.g. Why is its default value 2^6, instead of, say, 2^15?  In fact, why is
there a ceiling on the number of locks at all?  I'm guessing that the fact
that the default value is relatively small (i.e. a couple of orders of
magnitude below the number of tables I have in mind) suggests that setting
this value to a huge number would be a terrible idea.  Is that so?



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