Hi everyone, I'm trying to port some vb6 code to pgplsql (PostgreSQL 8.3 winxp)
that code is Const f2_MAX_TRAMS = 5 Dim f2_rTarifaA as new ADODB.Recordset Dim Mpa(f2_MAX_TRAMS) As Double ' preu aigua Dim Ma(f2_MAX_TRAMS) As Long ' m3 aigua tarifa Dim i As Integer, j As Integer ' indexs matrius ... ( open connection, open recordset, etc ) ... -- fill array with field values of M3TRAM1, ..., M3TRAM5 -- PREU1, ..., PREU5 for i = 1 to f2_MAX_TRAMS Ma(i) = f2_rTarifaA.Fields("M3TRAM" + CStr(i)).Value Mpa(i) = f2_rTarifaA.Fields("PREU" + CStr(i)).Value next in pgplsql, more or less DECLARE c_tarifa_c CURSOR (dfac DATE, key INTEGER) IS SELECT * FROM F2_TARIFA_C WHERE TIPUS = key AND dfac BETWEEN DINICI AND DFINAL; f2_MAX_TRAMS CONSTANT INTEGER := 5; Ma INTEGER[5]; Mpa NUMERIC(10,2)[5]; row_tfa f2_tarifa_a%rowtype; BEGIN OPEN c_tarifa_a (datafac, f2_Mtar); FETCH c_tarifa_a INTO row_tfa; CLOSE c_tarifa_a; For i IN 1..f2_MAX_TRAMS LOOP Ma[i] := row_tfa. ????? -- "M3TRAM" + CStr(i)).Value Mpa[i] := row_tfa. ????? -- "PREU" + CStr(i)).Value END LOOP; END I would like to know some tips about: How can I declare arrays especifying the size with a constant, but the most important is how can I reference the fields inside de loop Thanks in advance Josep