A. Kretschmer wrote on 11.03.2008 19:50:
am Tue, dem 11.03.2008, um 10:51:21 -0700 mailte CaseT folgendes:
Hi All,
I'm a novice but learning quickly and I'm stumped on how to do this.
I need to convert postgres timestamp to date format yyyy-mm-dd in a
sql statement.
pt.created_date below is timestamp format
i.e ... WHERE pt.created_date >= '2008-01-21'
You can't compare a date or timestamp to a varchar or text. For your
example, cast the date-string to a real date like:
... WHERE pt.created_date >= '2008-01-21'::date
You can also use the ANSI standard for specifying date literals:
WHERE pt.created_date >= DATE '2008-01-21'
which will work with other (standard compliant) DBMS as well.
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