On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Alex Bolenok wrote:

> If you fail to set up an ODBC Subscriber, you may still try to set up an OLE
> DB Subsriber. First create a linked server (use OLE DB for ODBC) and insert
> either DSN or provider string into the corresponding field. Then if you
> select this linked server in the Enterprise Manager, you will see the tables
> that reside in the database you selected. It means that the linked server is
> set up properly. Then you should create a new OLE DB Subscriber and when
> asked select the linked server you have created. It must work too.
Back from holidays I did a further try to cope with your suggestion.
I really didn't managed to install the ODBC Subscriber for the
replication mechanism.  Fortunately I managed to create a linked server
and finally I could see the tables of the PostgreSQL database.

Unfortunately my stupid German documentation dosn't give me any hint
how to create a OLE DB subscriber.  (Does anybody know if I could
get a English one from MS once bought a German for free? - I suppose
not.)  Could anybody tell me which damn menu I have to pull to get
such a beast installed.  It's a shame to ask such questions here but
I really get upset yesterday when trying to fiddle around with this
beast :-( - sorry.

Kind regards


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