On 2/29/08, Scara Maccai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Exactly, because inheritance/constraint exclusion wont work with views.
> Ok, so there should be something written in the docs about it...
>  From:
>  "the information about a view in the     PostgreSQL
>  system catalogs is exactly the same as it is for a table. So for the
>  parser, there is absolutely no difference between a table and a view"
> I got that there should be no difference... plus, I don't get any errors, 
> it's only that data in the view doesn't show up when I query the master table.

Seems like bug in docs/code.  But I think the paragraph is written
with "in queries, views can be used anywhere tables can" in mind,
not that you can administer them the same way.

>  > >  2) Why am I supposed to use unions in the view?
>  >
>  > So that query evaluator can exclude unnecessary partitions.
> Ok: that would be another way of having partitions, right?

Yes, effect should be same.


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