Dear Sirs.
  I have a problem with installing PostgreSQL 8.3 on my computer
  with Windows XP Home edition and AVG FREE antivirus 7.5.
  The installation-program asks for a installing-language and to save 
  the installation-process in a logfile. When I choose English and press
  the button "Start", the installation-program writes the message
  "Prepare to install" in a short period, and after that nothing is happening.
  What is wrong ???
  I enclose the logfile.
  My e-mail-address is : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I hope to hear from you.
  Best regards.
  Jan Christensen


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Attachment: postgresql-8.3.log
Description: 99633930-postgresql-8.3.log

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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