mars_osrp wrote:
Hi All,

I am using PlPython procedure to insert data in a table:

plan = plpy.execute("insert into test(id,name) values(1 , 'test_py')")

I am getting error:
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "<PLyResult object at 0x374a5a70>"

In fact preparing a plan and passing a list of values for columns is also
giving same error.

What is correct valid input syntax for integer in PlPython?

Shouldn't that be "plpy.prepare(...)" instead of the execute() method? I think what you want is:

plan = plpy.prepare("INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES ($1, $2)", ["integer", "text"])

res = plpy.execute(plan, [1, "test_py"])

Or something like that. pl/Python error messages are definitely pretty cryptic, though.


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