I really need some input:

In a system that handles money transfers I have a table to store each money transfer. A number of different events can result in a money transfer but the events are so different that each event type is stored in its own table.

So we have a schema of the form:

  TRANSFERS (TRANSFER_ID, col2, col3, col4, ...)
  EVENT_TYPE_A (EVENT_A_ID, TRANSFER_ID, col3, col4, ...)
  EVENT_TYPE_B (EVENT_B_ID, TRANSFER_ID, col3, col4, ...)
  EVENT_TYPE_C (EVENT_C_ID, TRANSFER_ID, col3, col4, ...)

With this design it is easy to map a specific event to the corresponding transfer (if any). However, if I want to create a list of transfers and for each transfer also give the corresponding event ID (if any) the only way is to "left join" *all* the EVENT-tables with the TRANSFERS table. This is slow.

Can I modify the design to make a more direct link between transfers and events?

Of course I could add EVENT_A_ID, EVENT_B_ID, etc. to the TRANSFERS table but I think this would soil the otherwise clean TRANSFERS table. What do you think?

One could also introduce a third table:
which only results in the need of a single join operation to create the list but adds an INPUT statement to the complexity.

Any ideas? What would you do?


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