Hi List !

I have a problem with defining an array in pl/pgsql using an already defined
column in a table.
Is it possible to define an array ( v_var1 ) as in my example below:

If it is not possible now it would be really nice to have in a future
release , maybe something for 8.4 wishlist ?

create table test1
    test_id int not null,
    amount int not null,
    constraint pk_test_id primary key (test_id)

create or replace function
test1_func( t_id test1.test_id%TYPE )
returns int as $$
    v_var1 test1.amount%TYPE[];
    -- v_var1 int[];
    v_var2 test1.amount%TYPE;
    v_var1[1] := 1;
    v_var2 := 1;
    return 1;
$$ language plpgsql;

Best Regards

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