Il giorno 18/feb/08, alle ore 18:42, Erik Jones ha scritto:

On Feb 18, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Enrico Sirola wrote:

Il giorno 18/feb/08, alle ore 17:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
1) PostgreSQL only support partition by inheritance, and rules have to be created for each child table, this will result *a lot of* rules if
the number of child tables is large.

Are there some smart ways to avoid this kind of mass ?

you can obtain the same result using a trigger, but you must replace the trigger function every time you add/remove a partition.

This is not strictly true. If you use EXECUTE to run dynamically built INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements you don't have to replace the trigger each time.

oh sure, in that case you can, but I do the opposite way: dynamically generate the trigger function with a plpgsql script at partition- creation time :-)

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