bh yuan escribió:

> I think [some character codes may not have a conversion table] is the reasion.
> Now I occour 「〜」(0xefbd9e)、「―」(0xe28095)、「?b!W(0xe9ab99) can not be
> converted to SJIS without error message.
> I convert the character to another SJIS character
> by UPDATE tablexx SET fieldxx=replace(fieldxx,'\xef\xbd\x9e','~')
> then I can export it as SJIS CSV file.
> But it is not good idea, maybe I can config the setting file of postgresql8.3
> or change the conversion table by myself  ?

I guess you can change the conversion table yourself -- see
src/backend/utils/mb/Unicode.  I think you would have to edit the
sjis-0213-2004-std.txt file to add those characters, then run to generate the updated .map file, then
regenerate the shared lib at
src/backend/utils/mb/conversion_procs/utf8_and_shift_jis_2004, and
reinstall it.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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