Hello, Thanks for your attention. I would like to ask a question about how exe files such as 'pg_dump' can be called from stored functions. For example, a simple C code like below -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
system("pg_dump -f /path/to/output/file database_name"); return 1; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- can execute 'pg_dump', which produces an output file. However, when I made it as a stored function in C, it didn't work. Within the stored function, I used the exact same 'system' command. The other parts within the function such as getting input values, calculating, and returning outputs works and no error is produced. It looks that just the system("pg_dump"); command is passed without outputting anything. I also tried to use plperlu language for this, but my results so far are very similar. When I use it as a stored function, system("pg_dump") command doesn't seem to do anything. If some can tell me how exe files such as 'pg_dump' can be called from stored functions, I would appreciate it. Thanks for your help. Sam ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings