
I have been using this method for over a year now.

NOTE:   Beware of "\" (escape) characters.
        If you have to use them, they must be changed to "\\".

This is a sample of something similar to what I do:

/bin/cat tab-delimited.txt | /usr/bin/psql -c "copy table1 from stdin;"

The "/bin/cat tab-delimited.txt" represents a program that generates the
tab delimited text.

Example file.

tab-delimited.txt =>    7713857 bytes   69423 lines

Example table.

Table   = table1
|              Field               |              Type                |
| Time                             | abstime                         
|     4 |
| Type                             | text                            
|   var |
| Id                               | text                            
|   var |
| Duration                         | int4                            
|     4 |
| Server                           | inet                            
|   var |
| User                             | text                            
|   var |
| Location                         | text                            
|   var |
| Port                             | int4                            
|     4 |
| Service                          | text                            
|   var |
| Remote                           | inet                            
|   var |
| Caller                           | text                            
|   var |
| Input                            | int4                            
|     4 |
| Output                           | int4                            
|     4 |
| State                            | text                            
|   var |
| Delay                            | int4                            
|     4 |

Resources required to import data :
                                        21.82 seconds elapsed
                                        10% CPU utilization
                                        (183 major + 29 minor) page faults
                                        0 swaps

Machine has 128 MB Total memory, 8.5 MB shared memory on a 
Pentium Pro 200 with 256 KB L2 cache
and a 9 GB SEAGATE ST19101W Ultra Wide SCSI Drive
running postgresql-6.5.3.

This translates to approximately 3182 records per second,
averaging 111 bytes per record , using only 10% CPU.

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