Am 2008-01-31 12:03:00, schrieb Andre Nieder:
> Hello,
> we like to use PostgreSQL in an embedded system that runs - don't laugh
> - on a compact flash.

I have this too...

> Therefore we need to know how often PostgreSQL will write to the disc. 

PostgreSQL in a normal installation of, e.g. a 8 GByte HighSpeed CF-Card
will kill your card in less then one month mayb arround two weeks.

> Once our system is configured there are very little changes to the
> database.

Like here...

> We have some tables in memory and some stored on the cf.
> If we change a table in memory, will PosgreSQL access the cf?

Configure the PostgreSQL as needed and then create a RAM-Disk for the
data/ directory.  shutdown the PostgreSQL and tar the whole RAM-Disk
and before you start uncompress it...

> As you know a cf card has not an unlimited amount of accesses...


> So is there any reason that should prevent us from using PostgreSQL in
> combination with a compact flash?

Maybe the limit of the Memory of your system.

I am using a 3Ware 3W85xx-8 with three 1 GByte Cards (Raid-1 + Hotfix),
one singel 1 GByte Card (/var/log) and four 8 GByte Cards (Raid-5 + 
Hotfix) for the Data (the Postgresql.tar.gz and static data)

The TAR Archive is around 5 GByte (PostgreSQL has already compressed the
Stuff) and I was forced to install 12 GByte of Memory.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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