On Tuesday 05 February 2008 04:40:18 pm brian wrote:
> Jeff Davis wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 16:10 -0800, johnf wrote:
> >> I create a table named "Account_Text_Table" the owner is 'johnf'.
> >>
> >> select has_table_privilege('johnf', 'public.Account_Text_Table',
> >> 'SELECT') I get the following error:
> >>
> >> ERROR:  relation "public.account_text_table" does not exist
> >
> > PostgreSQL folds to lower case unless you put the name in double-quotes.
> > Try putting the table name in double-quotes.
> >
> > E.g.: select has_table_privilege('johnf', 'public."Account_Text_Table"',
> > 'SELECT')
> That won't help if the table was not created with a quoted name.
> test=# CREATE TABLE Account_Text_Table (foo CHAR(1));
> test=# SELECT * FROM Account_Text_Table;
>   foo
> -----
> (0 rows)
> test=# SELECT * FROM "Account_Text_Table";
> ERROR:  relation "Account_Text_Table" does not exist
> test=# DROP TABLE account_text_table;
> test=# CREATE TABLE "Account_Text_Table" (foo CHAR(1));
> test=# SELECT * FROM Account_Text_Table;
> ERROR:  relation "account_text_table" does not exist
> test=# SELECT * FROM "Account_Text_Table";
>   foo
> -----
> (0 rows)
> So, you'll need to quote the table name when you create it. But this
> means that you'll *always* have to quote references to it.
> Easiest to stick with lowercase, IMO.
> b
Thanks guys!

John Fabiani

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