> My server crashed yesterday, the hd was saved though and I was able to
> get a copy of the data directory of my pg cluster. On the server now,
> when I start pg, I can see only like 1% of my data, there are many dbs/
> tables and rows missing. But the data dir seems ok in size though. So
> I copied the whole data dir to a new serv, installed the same pg
> version but now I can't get it started at all. There are some weird
> things in the pg_controldata :
> pg_control last modified:             Tue 03 Sep 6869 17:57:36 CET
> Time of latest checkpoint:            Thu 11 Jan 1116953 03:46:31 CET

What's the full pg_controldata output?  Can you send the pg_control file
as a binary attachment?

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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